Welcome to Project Spero

Spero is an open source decentralized job marketplace for refugees, asylums, NGOs and governments. we leverage blockchain and artificial intelligence to connected about 65.6 million refugees to jobs around the world. This project was created in December 2017 for the biggest Global Virtual GovHack hackathon organized by UAE Government in 2017.

Here are some problems which were tackled while creating Spero.

Not all refugees are educated or have a mobile/computer, can still they use Spero?

Employers often lack trusts in a refugee’s legal status, qualification, experience, language skills, the list goes on, how can Spero tackle that? Also how you ensure and protects the rights and fair treatment of refugees?

what about the distressed and depressed refugees?

How is spero secure, reliable and accessible?

What is the meaning of Spero?


This is the first design/prototype which was created for Spero, the current design might differ from it.

Demo Video

This is the final submission video for Global Virtual GovHack hackathon.

Start Demo



  1. Fork the reposistory from Github and rename to your project.

  2. If working on a local machine, then clone the repo from your terminal.

git clone https://github.com/ramantehlan/Spero
source setup.sh
ipfs daemon (this will be running on localhost:8080)
python app.py (this will be running on localhost:8081)

You can now check your localhost to see if it deployed correctly.

File Hierarchy

- Project Name
   - App
      - __init__.py
      - allImports.py
      - config.yaml
      - models.py             #all your database models should be created in here
      - start.py # this an example of a python file that renders a page
   - Data
       - spero.sqlite
   - Venv
   - app.py
   - create_db.py                #run this to create your database
   - setup.sh

Above you will find the file structure for the flask template. You will be mostly working with the app/ directory. Some important files and directories.

Reading and Writing to the database

In order to read from a database you will need to make a query to get the data. You can find out more about queries at the peewee site one quick example of a query would be the following:

query = tableName.get( condition = something )

This will return a python object that will have the data as attributes. You can pass this object to the html file. You can access this data by typing query.Column.


Feel free to add your own features or improve any current feature, any kind of help is appreciated.

The core team of this project is following:


GNU General Public License v3.0
